Plan Commission

The City of Garrett, Indiana Plan Commission is an advisory board whose function includes reviewing land use plans, zoning ordinance amendments and subdivision plats, and to pass recommendations regarding such plans and regulations to the Common Council for final action. The Commission has final authority for approving subdivision plats and development plans.
Seven members sit on the Commission. The current members are:
Dave Demske, Common Council Rep, President
Chuck Ostman, Vice President
Bobby Diedrich
Brad Stump
Pat Kleeman
Dave Freed
Denny Davis
Vivian Likes
Darrick Brinkerhoff
Frank Pulver
DeKalb County Representative: Frank Pulver
The Garrett City Planner is Vivian Likes, CPM
The Plan Commission Attorney is Darrick Brinkerhoff
The City Planner serves as the Planning Director / Zoning Administrator and can be reached at 260-357-4154 for any questions.
The Plan Commission meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 4:30 p.m.
Click here to see the UDO
Click here to see the new zoning map for public hearing