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Board of Zoning & Appeals

Board of Zoning & Appeals
The City of Garrett Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) hears and considers requests for variances and specials exceptions from the requirements of the City of Garrett Zoning Ordinance.
Such requests are considered in a public hearing.
Five members sit on the Board
Chuck Ostman-President
Brad Johnson-Vice President
Robert Novy-Secretary
Tom Kleeman
Pat Kleeman
Vivian Likes
Darrick Brinkerhoff
The Garrett City Planner is Vivian Likes, CPM.
The Plan Commission Attorney is Darrick Brinkerhoff.
The City Planner serves as the Planning Director / Zoning Administrator.
Regular BZA meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of each month and or when business is on the docket. Meeting time: 5:30 p.m.
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