Garret, IN Mayor

Todd Fiandt
Phone: 260-357-3836
Email: mayor@garrettindiana.us
The chief elected official of Garrett is the Mayor. The Mayor is responsible for the overall operation of the City government. Todd Fiandt serves as Mayor of Garrett. His term began January 1, 2020 and ends December 31, 2023. State law requires a mayor to reside within the City. There are no limits on the number of terms a mayor may serve.
The Mayor appoints some or all of the members of the following: Board of Works, Board of Zoning Appeals, Economic Development Commission, the Housing Authority, the Park Authority, the Plan Commission and the Redevelopment Commission. The Mayor also appoints the City Attorney, Planning Director, Civil Defense Director, Police Chief, Street Superintendent and the Utility Superintendent, and hires other City personnel.
Mayor Fiandt works closely with the clerk-treasurer, city departments, DeKalb County Economic Development Partnership, DeKalb Chamber Partnership, Garrett Initiative, and supports our local civic and community organizations.
You can contact the Mayor at 260-357-3836.